It generates 5,000 liters of potable water a day, working 24 hours a day. Does not require infrastructure, less than 02 water tanks, one input and one output.
Plugged system – drank potable water, the solution is robust, easy to transport and use, essential to assist remote and difficult-to-reach communities. In addition to being portable and lightweight, it is easy to maintain and operate.
It has the benefits of scalability and replicability, since this process is based on existing technologies with proven efficiency. The equipment also has the advantage of handling different types of water, with regard to dissolved material and organic material, within existing developments.
If necessary, more than one equipment can be used in series at the same time in order to supply a volume of water greater than the unit capacity, if necessary.
Thinking about offering access to PW5660 data, a product was developed that takes all our infrastructure as a service. You pay for the water consumed and get online data on your consumption, consumed energy and water quality – PWFlow.
PWFlow already connected to the PW5660, brings this advance where your data can be accessed at any time by your users and stakeholders.
With sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, PWTech is definitely a pioneer in delivering solutions for Sanitation 4.0 and Smart Cities, scaling up its purpose of intelligently bringing good water to people.
This development was carried out in partnership with the Senai Institute of Technology and Sebrae.
With a unique, patented design, the PW 5660 is an equipment whose development is aimed at purifying contaminated water, making it drinkable.
This equipment serves needy communities and other niches focused on sustainability and other segments.
The PW5660 is an innovative portable water purification device capable of removing 100% of viruses and bacteria from water and reducing up to 99.5% of particulates.
We comply with the Ministry’s GM/MS ordinance that provides for control and surveillance procedures for the quality of water for human consumption and its potability standard. Clearly, water for human consumption must be free of Escherichia coli and fecal coliforms, in addition to maintaining turbidity, color, PH, odor and chlorine within the standards established by the ordinance.