With a focus on eradicating poverty and promoting economic, social and environmental development on a global scale by the year 2030, the plan works with 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs and 169 targets.
They are clear objectives and goals for all countries to adopt according to their own priorities and act in the spirit of a global partnership that guides the necessary choices to improve people’s lives, now and in the future.
In this context, Pwtech understands its role in society and develops social responsibility strategies based on the SDGs in its strategy, prioritizing SDG 6 – Drinking water and sanitation as its main focus. As a direct contribution SDGs 1,3,4 and 11 and as an indirect contribution SDGs 7,8,10 and 17.
To confirm this commitment, Pwtech is committed to developing solutions and projects that meet the needs of the present time, without, however, compromising future generations.
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