The lack of basic sanitation leads residents of Ilha do Bororé, located on the banks of the Billings dam, to consume water with high levels of contamination. With no treated water supply, the fishing community that lives in the region uses water from wells installed in homes, without any kind of treatment prior to consumption.
What do these locations have in common?
The difficulty of access to drinking water, causing a series of problems for the health of children and the local population.
The installation of PW5660 equipment at the Escola da Ilha do Montão do Trigo, and Parque de Varginha had a positive impact on more than 20 families.
We installed 6 PW5660 water purification systems on Ilha do Bororé, where there is no basic sanitation and the population consumes contaminated water or water from a tanker truck/gallon. The installation of the systems guaranteed the supply of drinking water to around 100 people in the neighborhood of Santa Tereza and surroundings, on Ilha do Bororé. The equipment was installed in specific locations, with the process mediated by AMIB – Associação de Moradores da Ilha do Bororé and supported by the community mobilization and monitoring partner of Sapiência Ambiental.
With this action, we improve the quality of life of the population in several aspects: waterborne diseases, diarrhea, hepatitis A, leptospirosis, verminosis, among many others, increased well-being, especially in the health and learning of children, since Contaminated water can affect cognitive ability.